Pyrrhónův kocour
V přestávce mezi životem a tamtímTopili kocourka.
co jde tak pomalu jako se chodí spát
(J. Orten)
Minuty, dny a léta; celý jeho život.
Je veden proces s neznámým pachatelem, kocourkem i Vesmírem.
Dosud se nepodařilo:
odhalit totožnost pachatele,
popsat skutkovou podstatu,
zjistit motiv obžalovaného,
ani zabezpečit místo činu.
Zhudebněná verze Ortenovy básně od skupiny Hm:
Anglický překlad:
Pyrrha's Cat
In the pause between life and that
which comes as slowly as one goes to bed
(The opening quote is from a Czech poet J.Orten,
his poem "What Melancholy Knows", which tells
about a dying kitten that has been drowned.)
They were drowning the Kitty.For minutes, days and years; all his life.
There is a case against unknown offender, the Kitty, and the Universe.
So far:
offender's identity remains elusive,
the act itself fails to be described,
defendant's motive is unknown yet,
and the crime scene could not be secured.
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