Dno hladomorny plné havěti
z jejíhož dna i ve dne vidíš
vše co v snách se bojíš viděti
(F. Halas)
Hloubi, hory neskonalé
mlčky křičí svoje „ale“;
živý strom i slzu roní,
opakuje však, co oni:
ozvěny ode zdí
až na dně vesmíru,
kam slunce chodí
vybrat svou daň.
English translation follows.
PrometheusThe swarming dungeon floor
From its bottom you see even at noon
All that you're afraid you dreams will show
(F. Halas)
The deeps and tops were ne'er scaledThe beginning quote is from František Halas's poem Ze dna (From the bottom).
That quietly all dreams have jailed;
The living tree its resin cries,
Yet can but tell of the same ties:
It reverbs and echoes
At bottom of Universe
Where Sun pays a visit
To take its toll.
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